The study started in the academic year 2012/2013 by the ministerial decree no.52 of 2013.
Second-Study system :
Term system.
Third-Scientific degrees:
-Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medical Sciences.
-Postgraduate Studies Degree.
-Degree of Diploma, Masters, and Doctorate in Veterinary Medical Science.
Fourth Duration of Study
Five Years.
Fifth- Language of study
19 Scientific Departments
Department of Anatomy and Embryology -Department of Histology- Department of Biochemistry -Department of Physiology Department of Pharmacology -Department of Pathology Clinical -Department of Microbiology- Department of Parasitology Department of Food Hygiene- Department of Animal Medicine -Department of Poultry Diseases -Department of Fish Diseases Department of Nutrition -Department of Animal Health -Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology -Department of Joint Diseases -Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology -Department of Animal Behavior.